About Us
We are an education centre providing various learning programs for children. It began as a Montessori Centre in Johor Bahru, providing Montessori Centre International (London) curriculum (from 2.5 to 6 years old). As the founder of the centre believes in a whole-child education, many programs that complement the Montessori curriculums have been added to the centre within the first few years of operation.
To help build a better society through educating and developing children to be useful members of the society.
Provide a whole-child education in terms of child development in the areas of intellectual, physical, language, social and emotional through concept building, hands-on work, musical involvement, art with imagination and drama.
Experienced and Passionate
Our programs are led by educators with vast knowledge in their teaching areas and loving hearts to always find ways to help children develop/achieve in their own unique ways. This strong background in education and passion has made us stand out among all.

Meet Our

“ Give me a child until seven and I will show you the man. ”
Maria Montessori
Founder & Principal of Clover Learning Centre
- Malaysia Influential Educators 2023
- Shanghai Talk of Fame 2022
- Successful People in Malaysia
(Britishpedia 5th Edition) - Masters Deg. in Occupational
Psychology (U.K.) - Bachelor Deg. in Psychology (U.K.)
- International Diploma in Montessori (MCI, London)
- Certified Behavioural Consultant
(D.I.S.C) (IML, U.S.A) - Certified Career Consultant (U.S.A)
- Certified Kindermusik Educator
(International) - HRD Corp Accredited Trainer
- Founder and Principal Consultant of Clover Leaders Club
- Organizational Development Specialist (Talaz Rich Consultancy)
Teaching has always been my passion since young. Imparting knowledge to children, parents and teachers is something that I have been doing for the past few years. I derive great sense of satisfaction in sharing my knowledge of what real education should be with everyone. When I read my Diploma in Montessori, it has further enahanced my knowledge in Psychology and opened my eyes in the world of Early Childhood Education. 0 to 6 years old are the best years for children to learn to be independent, be disciplined and develop concentration level. Hence, this alerted me to look for a pre-school that can give a Whole-Child-Education to my children, nieces and nephews. In the end, I did not find one. Hence, I set up one.

- Ms. Toh
- Head Directress

- Soraya
- Montessori Directress

- Latifah
- Montessori Directress

- Margaret Wong
- Montessori Directress

- Jia Chee
- Montessori Directress
- Chief Administration Officer

- Fify
- Assistant Directress
- Kindermusik Administrator

- Joey Lee
- Kindermusik Educator

- Karine Tan
- Licensed Kindermusik Educator
- Ballerina and Dancer

- Ms. Suenn
- Art Director

- Jouk Jiun Low (J.J.)
- Certified Kindermusik Educator
Our educators are passionate and well-trained in the field of Early Childhood Education, Montessori and/or Kindermusik. We are proud of each and everyone of them!


are we different from other schools?
It is because we truly advocate the Montessori philosophy, teaching the children to learn-by-doing, cultivating a love for learning through senses. This helps the children to build up a strong foundation in all subject areas.
Be it Montessori, Clover Leaders Club, Kindermusik,《我绘作书》KidsArtFun , or Coding program, our educators are experienced and passionate in teaching. Our programs are led by educators with vast knowledge in their teaching areas and loving hearts to always find ways to help children develop / achieve in their own unique ways. This strong background in Education and passion has made us stand out among all.
All these make us a special and unique learning centre for your special little ones.