Clover Alumni
Alumni from Clover Learning Center are esteemed individuals who have successfully completed our comprehensive educational programs. They embody our values of academic excellence, personal growth, and community engagement. As ambassadors of our institution, they continue to make meaningful contributions to society in various fields.

Toh Zhi Hui
Clover Montessori Class of 2011
Current School: Kolej Yayasan UEM (A-levels)
Achieved straight 9A* for IGCSE May/June 2022. Former Student Council Vice President and Deputy Head Girl of Crescendo-HELP International School.

Elliana Chin
Clover Montessori Class of 2017
Current school: Marlborough College Malaysia
Elliana has been awarded the Achievement Award for two years at her current school. Being an all- rounder, she also won a Silver Award at the Marlborough College triathlon.

Teo Du Ee
Clover Montessori Class of 2014
Current school: Crescendo Help International School (CHIS) (Secondary)
Du Ee is a scholar at CHIS and he is also a keen sports player and piano player. His cheerful, caring and patient personality has gained him popularity and leadership role at school.

Toh Ze Ming
Clover Montessori Class of 2014
Current School: Cresdendo HELP International School (Secondary)
Ze Ming is a scholar and student leader at CHIS. He is observant and patient, which helps him build his knowledge for the subjects that he is interested in, which are Science and Technology. He has been awarded in VANDA Science competition.

Joy Tang Le Yue
Clover Montessori Class of 2016
Current school: Crescendo Help International School (CHIS) (Secondary)
Joy’s cheerful and helpful personality has helped her gain popularity among her friends. Her consistency in work gained her a Silver prize in Malaysian Piano Competition 2022 and Distinction in Grade 2 Communication Skills by Trinity College, London.

Tang Le Kang
Clover Montessori Class of 2017
Current school: SJK(C) Foon Yew 4 (Primary)
Le Kang’s discipline and steadiness to work towards excellence has gained him a Model Student Award in Primary 4, Gold prizes in various piano competitions and Distinction in Grade 2 Communication Skills by Trinity College, London.

Ang Cheng Xi
Clover Montessori Class of 2018
Current school: SJK(C) Foon Yew 4
Cheng Xi shows great interest and passion in music and has been awarded Gold Prize for Malaysia Piano Competition 2022 and Silver Prize for Muar Youth piano competition 2022.

Jin Yu Tong
Clover Montessori Class of 2015
Current School: Crescendo Help International school (CHIS) (Secondary)
Yu Tong is a scholar at CHIS and also Eco School Class Representative. Her kind and positive personality has gained her many friends.

Tristan Toh
Clover Montessori Class of 2012
Current School: Riverside Secondary School (Singapore)
Tristan is a student conductor in the school band, plays the clarinet and competes in speed cubing.

Trevor Toh
Clover Montessori Class of 2014
Current School: Homeschool
Trevor is an inquisitive and outgoing boy who enjoys scouting, baking, computing and gaming.